Monday 23 June 2014

Ganoderma In The Treatment Of Cancer

Ganoderma is known among Chinese people as a "magic Herb" that can cure hundred kinds of diseases, and it is also applied for longevity. 

With selected and high quality of Ganoderma pulverized as raw material, Ganoderma Coffee is produced by modern technical process in a hygienic manner that assures each batch meets high standards of quality and purity. 

The nutrient ingredients and biological activity ingredients are easy to be absorbed by human body, which can improve the immunity, help in combating against tumor, confront irradiation as well as improve circulation and lower the blood lipid.

In Malaysia, Ganoderma was initially cultivated in the 1980's. More recently, hybrid cultures of Ganoderma. lucidum were used for mass production which only required 40 to 45 days of incubation. The basidiocarps are sliced and brewed as a tonic or as Ganoderma coffee and tea.

 They may also be powdered or extracted with solvent to yield the finished product which is then made into capsules. Ganoderma nutriceuticals are used as a remedy to treat more than 20 different illnesses which include migraine and headache, hypertension, arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, anorexia, gastritis, haemorrhoids, hypercholesterolaemia, nephritis, dysmenorrhoea, constipation, hepatitis, leukopenia, cardiovascular problems and cancer including leukemia.

Active ingredients, which include polysaccharides, organic germanium, triterpenoids, adenosine, LZ-8, and an array of amino acids besides numerous mineral types.

Effect on Hepatitis B 
Ganoderma lucidum has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Hepatitis B resulting in the lowering of SGPT and SCOT levels to normal, and the sero-conversion of HBs antigen to HE, antibody3). Extract of Ganoderma lucidum when administered concurrently with glutathione against liver damage by carbon tetrachloride, proved to be beneficial against hepatic necrosis and hepatitis). It was also discovered that extract of Ganoderma lucidum could probably augment the rate of toxin transformation and subsequent bile excretion, thereby acting as a liver detoxicant and protectant).

Effect on Diabetes

 Extract of Ganoderma lucidum has also been found to be effective in reducing the blood glucose level after two months of treatments). Ganoderan B was considered to enhance glucose utilization because it increased the plasma insulin level in normal and glucose loaded mice, but did not affect the insulin binding to isolated adipocytes). The hypoglycemic activity of Ganoderma lucidum is thus due to an increase of the plasma insulin level and an acceleration of glucose metabolism occurring not only in the peripheral tissues but also in the liver.

Effect on Hypertension 

Ganoderma lucidum is also effective in lowering hypertensive blood pressure. This is due to the presence of lanostane derivatives especially ganoderic acids B, D, F, H, K, S and Y which exert their hypotensive activities

Effect on Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia
Acute myeloblastic leukemic patients were treated with high doses of Ganoderma lucidum (6 capsules 3 times a day) prior to chemotherapy and continued for a period of three months. The chemotherapy regimen consisting of cytarabine and daunorubicin was given on a monthly basis in order to induce remission. CNS prophylactics was given with cranial irradiation. All the patients had a subjective response when Ganoderma lucidum was included in their treatment regimen. Changes in their NBC, hemoglobin and platelet counts were either significant or very significant after 3 months of treatment. Despite the remission for the past 3 years, the long term prognosis seems encouraging.

 Effect on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
 Five patients with stage III nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) were given 6 capsules of Ganoderma lucidum 3 times a day for 1 week before radio-and chemotherapy and continued for a course of  8 months while they were given a complete course of irradiation lasting for 6 weeks. The chemotherapy regimen consisting of cyclophosphomide, lomustine, dannorubicin and vincristine was administered every month for a period of 4 months. Objective response occurred in all the NPC patients with very significant tumor shrinkage after 40 days of treatment with Ganoderma lucidum in concurrence with radio-and chemotherapy.

 The tumors were completely regressed after 90 days of combined treatment and were in remission for the last three and a half years. It is conceivable that Ganoderma lucidum plays an important role in combination with radio- and chemotherapy, thereby rendering the complete regression of the tumors. Since both polysaccharides' and organic germanium derived from Ganoderma lucidum are not cytotoxic to tumor cells, the anti tumor effect is attributable to induced immunopotentiation. 

As an immunopotentiator, Ganoderma lucidum accelerates the production of interlukin from helper T cells and potentates the induction of different types of anti-tumor cells, such as NK cells and cytotoxic macrophages, in addition to the induction of interferon production. The patients felt more energetic, and had a better appetite and slept better. Nausea and vomiting were mild whereas stomatitis and sore throat were transient. Their pain was alleviated, and no other side effects were observed.

Effect on Wound Healing
Three patients with diabetic wounds were healed between 15 to 22 days. This might be due to the glucan from the cell walls of Ganoderma lucidum that could activate the fibroblast migration in order to achieve wound healing and tissue proliferation. Considering all these effective findings, further research on Ganoderma lucidum as a potential nutriceutical for similar illnesses or other ailments seems warranted.

Ganoderma also adjusts the immune system to prevent viral diseases and to prevent and fight tumor, protects and detoxifies the liver, prevents and cures heart diseases, slows the aging process, has a positive effect on insomnia, is a cure for high blood pressure and to treat diabetes, is a treatment for chronic bronchitis and asthma, has effect on hyper susceptibility and is used as a beauty care medicine for the skin.
The spore capsules are the traditional "Emperor's medicine" against cancer. 


1. Teow, S. S. l986. Cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum and its medicinal value. In extended Abstract. 9th Malaysian Microbiology Symposium, 79-82.

2. Teow, S. S. 1994. Ganoderma lucidum in 40 days. In Abstract. '94 International Symposium on Ganoderma Research. P 21.

3. Teow, S .S. 1997. The effective application of Ganoderma nutriceuticals. In B.K. Kim, C.K. Moon, and T.S. Kim (Eds), Recent Progress in Ganoderma lucidum Research (pp. 21-39) Seoul, Korea. The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea.

4. Byun, S. H. & Rim I.H. 1987. Studies on the concur rent administration of Ganoderma lucidum extract and glutathione on liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats. J. Pharm.. Boo. Korea, 31:133-139.

5. Liu, G. Ban, T., Niu, X., Li, S. & Sung, Z.1979. Some pharmacological actions of the spores of Ganoderma lucidum and the mycelium of Ganoderma capense cultivated by submerged fermentation. Chinese Med. J. 92:496-600.

6. Hikino, H. Ishiyama, M., Suzuki, Y. & Kono, C. 1989. Mechanism of hypoglycemic activity of Ganoderma B: A glycan of Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies. Plants Medica, 55:423-428.

7. Morigiwa, A.) Kitabatake, K., Fujimoto, Y. & Ikekawa 1986. Angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibiting triterpenes from Ganoderma lucidum. Chem. Phar. Bull. 34:3025-8028.

20 sticks * 12g


+233244336730 (WhatsApp) or +233268123621

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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Health Risks Of Drinking Coffee - The Goodness Of Ginseng Coffee

Coffee drinking is according to recent studies has no risk to health, as long as you drink it moderately.

Moderately means 2-3 cups of coffee per day!

However, for most of us caffeine intake induces a 24 hour cyclic disturbance in our body. While the morning cup of coffee perks up your mood most people can't stop at that. Almost every office girl develops a craving for the next cup and subsequently, a heavy fatigue sets in by late afternoon. Even if endless cups revives you at this time of the day, a total collapse is inevitable by evening.

 And who does not know the sleepless nights, the developing dark cycles under the eyes and the the morning after, when all your energy seems to be consumed already before you got to start your day - of course with another cup of coffee! 

You can minimize the health risk of excessive coffee consumption...

...with Edmark Ginseng Coffee!

On top of that your entire body can benefit from the tremendous health advantages that come along with ginseng.

Make Your Daily Habit a Healthy One - With Edmark Ginseng Coffee!

Edmark Café Ginseng Coffee is made from the natural blend of the finest Arabica coffee beans from Brazil and Colombia and Korean Ginseng (the most powerful Ginseng). It has all the advantages of ordinary coffee. It makes you feel alert in the early morning hours, it promotes your digestion and it has a great taste.

But on top of that, Ginseng Coffee eliminates some of the big disadvantages that come along with ordinary coffee, like nervousness, accelerated heart beat, sweating, sleepless nights, depression and fear.

Below please kindly find a comparison between both, ordinary coffee and ginseng coffee, which will show you the many advantages of using ginseng coffee.

Health Benefits Of Korean Ginseng

Ginseng Coffee and ordinary Coffee: Comparison

-Ordinary Coffee leads to nervous reactions like sweating, trembling fingers, wet hands, trembling voice and more.
-Ginseng  Coffee has a stabilizing effect on the central nervous system due to its ginseng components. It calmes the mind, relaxes the body and brings a feeling of strength and harmony. There is no nervousness to fear even when consuming many cups per day.

Blood Circulation
-Ordinary Coffee can narrow blood vessels which leads to cold finger tips, cold feed and when consumed excessively, can lead to blood circulation problems.

-Ginseng  Coffee accomplishes due to its ginseng components exactly the opposite. Ginseng is being used to help the blood circulation. It is ideal for any kind of endurance sports activities, making the blood flow, thus preparing for highest performance.

Heart Rhythm Irregularities

-Ordinary Coffee can cause heart rhythm disturbances, especially when consumed frequently in higher quantities.

-Ginseng is being used even for acute heart attack as a first aid remedy, thus stabilizing heart beat. Ginseng coffee will not cause heart rhythm problems, even when consumed frequently in higher quantities.

Blood Pressure
-Ordinary Coffee can increase blood pressure for a short while, thus makes you feel awake one time and sleepy another throughout the day.

-Ginseng Coffee will stabilize your blood pressure without giving you ups and downs throughout the day. Ginseng is being used to strengthen brain performance and cognitive functions. Your ability to concentrate and work throughout the day will be stable.

-Ordinary Coffee will give you sleepless nights, bad dreams and a restless sleeping habit, especially when consumed frequently in higher doses.

-Ginseng Coffee you can take even in the late evening before bedtime. It wont disturb your sleep.

Heart Disease
-Ordinary Coffee leaves high levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream which may increase the risk for heart disease. Therefore, anything that raises homocysteine levels might increase the risk for heart disease.
-Ginseng Coffee can strengthen your heart and helps to get a tranquil heartbeat.

Coffee, Smoking and Alcohol
-Ordinary Coffee side-effects in combination with cigarette smoking and/or alcohol is an area not really known enough by scientists. But we can assume that body reactions accumulate and potentate when smoking and drinking alcohol together with coffee consumption.
-Ginseng Coffee cannot reverse the bad effects that nicotine and alcohol has on your body, but it can strengthen your body resistance and minimize the effects of too much coffee consumption.

Pain In Arm And Shoulder
-Ordinary Coffee can cause you pain in the left arm and shoulder due to nervousness and irregular heartbeat.
-Ginseng Coffee will not cause you pain in the left shoulder and arm, even if consumed excessively.

Bowel Movement & Digestion
-Ordinary Coffee will make feel awake in the morning, will move your bowel and make you ready for your daily duties.
-Ginseng Coffee will do exactly same.

-Ordinary Coffee tastes good, especially with milk and some sweetener.

-Ginseng Coffee taste like Cappuccino. It is sweetened and contains milk powder - ready to use! You will be impressed by the will be your guests and visitors.

Sexual Stimulation
-Ordinary Coffee is said to help stimulate sexual functions due to its caffein

-Ginseng Coffee stimulates sexual functions not only because of its low caffein content of 0.05%. It is well known that ginseng helps the blood circulation in the body and thus powers sexual functions.

Common Health Problems with Coffee Intake and Medical Benefits of using Ginseng together with Coffee

Coffee usually makes you feel fatigue and gloom along with an uncomfortable sensation. These are the  usual symptoms; what is worse is that finally when you try to sleep away your blues at night, you just can't. That's not the end. The next morning you get up tired, thirsting for a steaming  cuppa  to settle your mood.

Thus begins a coffeeholic's journey. At the end of which, apart from developing dark circles under the eyes, you also acquire acidity problems, irregular palpitations and more.

In most people, the caffeine in a cup of coffee speeds the heart rate. A cup of coffee temporarily boosts blood pressure, however the latest national guidelines on blood pressure report that most research has shown no clear connection between caffeine intake and  a very high blood pressure. 

In one study of about 1,000 men, blood pressures were slightly higher in those who had five or more cups a day than in people who didn't drink coffee.

Two substances in brewed coffee -- kahweol and cafestol -- increase cholesterol levels.

In 2001, two very different studies showed a connection between coffee consumption and homocysteine.
High levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream may increase the risk for heart disease. Therefore, anything that raises homocysteine levels might increase the risk for heart disease.

Indeed, in a survey of more than 3,000 Dutch men and women, homocysteine levels were slightly higher in those who drank six or more cups a day compared with those who didn't drink coffee. In another study, homocysteine levels fell among coffee drinkers who quit for six weeks.

In some people, drinking coffee leads to the occasional extra heartbeats or speeds up the heart's rhythm.                                                                      
Medical Benefits of using Ginseng together with Coffee

Ginseng helps to prolong human life and to preserve agility of human body. In the Compendium of Medica, a celebrated medical book written by Li Shi-Zhen of the Ming dynasty, one can find a quotation that Ginseng cures all kinds of anemic feebleness inflicted upon male or female patients.
The main constituents of Ginseng include: gensenoside, panaxic acid and essential oil, together with B-sisterol, vitamins, saccharides, peptides of low molecular weight and various kinds of amino-acids.

Functions of Ginseng:

1) It regulates the activity of the central nervous system and gives a stimulating and tonic action to inhibit fatigue and promote recovery from fatigue. Ginseng helps to build up a strong physique so as to raise mental and physical activities, to improve sleep and to alleviate or remove headache. Ginseng also exercises a sedative action for the treatment of neurasthenia, neurosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

2) Ginseng regulates the blood pressure and aids the blood circulation. It cures or alleviates coronary heart disease, hypertension, hypo-tension and myocardial malnutrition.

3) Ginseng lowers the level of blood sugar and uric sugar in the patients suffering from diabetes of slight and medium-grave symptoms, rendering thus a general improvement of health condition.

4) Ginseng promotes the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein in the liver, marrow and testicles, increases the nucleic fission of the marrow cells, and gives impetus to metabolism. It activates the functions of the hematogenous organ and serves as a remedy to the depression of sexual capability and to the anemia.

5) Ginseng enhances the resistance of human body against heart-shock and therefore serves as a first-aid drug to save death-impending patients, giving them an extra lease of life.

6) In short, Ginseng is a drug ideal for treatment of the above mentioned diseases and for its tonic value. A long-term administration of this Extract will lead to long life and body aqility.

Benefits of Korean Red Ginseng by Dr. Si-Kwan Kim & Dr. Yuan Shiun 

The active ingredient in Ginseng called Ginsenoside has a fantastic healing effects. Ginsenoside has the power to:

· Sharpen the Mind and Memory
· Accelerate visual and auditory responses
· Increase concentration
· Lower and remove bad cholesterol
· Lower blood pressure
· Maximize oxygen intake
· Increase aerobic activity
· Lower heart rate during exercise
· Increase Anti-oxidants in the body
· Prevent Cancer

It's 20 sachets in a box and 1 sachet is 18g.

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+233244336730 (WhatsApp) or +233268123621

Our other Healthy Coffees

Edmark Cafe 73 with Ganoderma (The most powerful ANTI-AGING HERB)

Edmark Red Yeast Coffee (Cholesterol Buster); Helps you LOWER YOUR CHOLESTROL THE NATURAL WAY!


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Friday 21 March 2014

Edmark Splina Liquid Chlorophyll

A nutritional drink made of fresh and pure liquid chlorophyll from plants. It is a rich source of natural minerals, vitamins, proteins, trace elements and anti-oxidants, which are essential in balancing and maintaining the alkalinity of the body.

Our daily diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food to maintain a healthy body. A healthy body should have an alkaline PH level of about 7.3 to 7.4.

Diets based on acidic food will cause high acid levels in our body. In the long run, this will cause various illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol and stroke. To ensure your daily alkaline needs, we recommend SPLINA Liquid Chlorophyll.


·        Chlorophyll Promotes Cell Regeneration and boosts the Immune System

Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1995 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Price in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, Chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.

·        Blood Production Property
Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blood cells and chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of  anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.

·        Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins
Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.

·        Reduces the Body’s Problems
Scientist Offen Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.

·        Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion
The New England Medical Journal reported that chlorophyll can help in controlling skin problems and internal infection. The American Journal of Surgery published findings by Temple University on the use of chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions.


Liquid Chlorophyll heals chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stops the growth and development of toxic bacteria.

Liquid Chlorophyll effectively reduces toxin caused by pesticides and chemicals in the body. It traps and forms complexes with mutagens. This reduces the chances that these substances will attach themselves to genes and caused damage.

Balances body acid-alkali levels to maintain good health. Liquid chlorophyll provides an excellent source of health-promoting nutrients because liquid chlorophyll’s composition contains calcium, it is useful for people as well as animals with arthritis, bone disease, and hip dysphasia.

It is very high in RNA and DNA has been found to protect against the effects of UV radiation.

A ssists red blood cell generation to ensure sufficient oxygen and nutrients for cell renewal. It helps to either cool or warm the body and adapt to environment changes.

      Accelerates tissue cell activity and normal re-growth of cells to help the body heal faster.

This helps maintain optimum blood flow all throughout the body and regulates blood pressure to healthy levels.

The results of smoother skin, clearer complexion and youthful looks.


·        CLEANSING: Cleanses the digestive system, assists in purifying blood, eliminates bacteria, disinfects and detoxifies.

·        BALANCING: Balances body acid-alkali level, boosts the functions of the body system.

·        NOURISHING: Assist in red blood cell regeneration, enhances oxidation process and stimulates cell regeneration.

Chlorophyll is RICH in:

·       Zinc
·      Selenium
·      Vitamin E
·      Vitamin C
·      Vitamin A
·      Protein
·       Biotin
·      Folic Acid
·      Pantothenic Acid
·      Calcium
·      Chromium
·      Phosphorous
·      Potassium
·      Magnesium
·      Iron

Diets which consist of more ACIDIC FOODS will result in a rise of acidic level in our body in the long run, eventually causing various illnesses like:

·        Heart disease
·        High Blood Pressure
·        Stroke
·        Diabetes
·        Arthritis
·        Gout High cholesterol

Following is a list of disease conditions that have either improved or cleared up entirely by using liquid chlorophyll in conjunction with a living foods diet:

·        Hepatitis and other liver disease
·        All forms of anemia
·        Asthma and hayfever
·        Pyorrhea
·        Varicose veins
·        Hemorrhoids
·        Ulcers – internal and external
·        High and Low blood sugar
·        Offenssive body odors
·        Sore throat

Who should take “SPLINA Liquid Chlorophyll”    

·        People with perspire
·        People with liver problem
·        People with respiratory problems
·        People with rheumatism
·        Anemic people
·        Those with pale complexion
·        People with weight problems
·        Very skinny people
·        Very fat people
·        Smokers and alcoholic people
·        Those who dislikes eating vegetables
·        Those who suffer from constipation
·        Those who experience menstrual pain
·        Those who often catch cold
·        Those who often have soar throats
·        People with body odor and bad breath
·        Busy and stressful people
·        Easily fatigue people
·        People who likes junk foods and fast foods

Edmark's Splina is derived from the White Mulberry plant and it's chlorophyll concentration is about 20% more than the Alfalfa.

We recommend you buy Edmark's Splina Liquid Chlorophyll for all your family and loved once. Everybody can drink Splina Liquid Chlorophyll. I call it a Gift Of Life!

Call us to get yours NOW!

+233244336730 OR +233268123621 or send us a message

And check out our sales links in Ghana:


Q: Why do my feces appear greenish after taking Liquid Chlorophyll?


     A: Before total cleansing takes place, the body fails to absorb all the goodness of chlorophyll and the excess gets discharged. Once toxins are cleared, absorption will then improve and feces will no longer appear green. This means your

body is ready to take in all the nutrients in chlorophyll.

Q: Can Liquid Chlorophyll be used as an antiseptic?

     A: Yes. With the cleansing power it has, Liquid Chlorophyll is effective in removing bad breath and body odor. Daily intake of Liquid Chlorophyll
ensures total body cleansing from the internal organs to the skin.

Q: Can Liquid Chlorophyll good for external use?

     A: Yes, Chlorophyll can be used externally as it can reduce infections and eliminate bacteria. Apply externally on cuts pimples and other skin problems.

Q: Why do some people encounter discomforts like dry throat, headache,
      Feverish and thirst after drinking concentrated chlorophyll?

     A: This are positive reactions after drinking chlorophyll, a result of the cleansing function. After this, you will feel high-spirited and energetic. To speed up this cleansing effect, you may want to drink plenty of water or begin with lower dosage, then gradually increaseintake as your body slowly adapts to the changes.

Q: Can I take Liquid Chlorophyll while I am taking my doctor’s prescribed medicines?

     A: Yes you can take Liquid Chlorophyll. It will help the liver to detoxify the side effects of medicine.

Q: Can I take Liquid Chlorophyll during fasting?

     A: Yes, will help cleanse and detoxify your body while supplying it with the nutrients it needs to survive. It is safe and soothing.

Q: Is Liquid Chlorophyll safe for pregnant women?

     A: Actually, Liquid Chlorophyll is a good food supplement for pregnant women as well as nursing mothers. It contains high quantity of iron and calcium, which are essential for blood and bone building especially for mother and the baby. It does not cause constipation.

Q: Is Liquid Chlorophyll safe for infants?

     A: Yes. In fact, Liquid Chorophyll is safe for all ages. For baby’s needs, a few drops of chlorophyll into the mild or lukewarm water will be enough for additional nourishment.

Q: With improved health conditions after taking Liquid Chlorophyll, can I discontinue its consumption?

     A: Yes, you can. Nonetheless, it is recommended that you continue with chlorophyll intake daily to ensure continuous supply of essential nutrients for good health.

Call us to get yours NOW!

+233244336730 OR +233268123621 or send us a message

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