Do you know that if you eat three
(3) times in a day, you must have 3 bowl movements the next day? It’s normal
and necessary for you to have one bowl movement today for each major meal you
ate the day before. So if you eat three meals in one day, you should have 3
bowl movements the next day.
The reason why you’re not
having a regular bowl movement is
because of a lack of Fiber in your diet.
When Fiber is missing in
your diet and you keep eating every day, when the waste gets to the colon, your
colon muscle must help move the fecal matter out of your body through a process
called Peristalsis.
Because the food you and I eat do
not have the required nutrients and FIBER that our body cells needs to function
effectively, with time your colon muscle’s ability to move the fecal matter out
of your body is weakened. When this happens the fecal matter and the undigested
food in your colon will rot, and you’ll become constipated. And constipation
is dangerous to your health.
Let me just use this scenario for better
understanding. Let’s say your dustbin company comes every Friday to take your
dustbin which contains waste from your house. If they don’t show up for 2 weeks
what will happen to your dustbin? The waste content will increase right? How
about they don’t show up for a month, a year, 5yrs, 10yrs,….? Well, you don’t
need to be a rocket scientist to know what will happen.
You can imagine the
stench, the toxins and the outbreak of unknown diseases in your house and your
Your colon is just like your dustbin. It’s your own sewage system. If
it’s choked, all the waste, all the toxins when they get into the colon will
flow back through your blood into your body which will go to affect your
circulatory system, your digestive system and your immune system. Your intestine
is about 25 feet and you can store up to 60 pounds of waste in your colon.
This is what Jon Barron, one of the world’s foremost authorities in
cutting edge nutritionals, member of the advisory board of Health
Sciences Institute and author
of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors has to say about our intestinal
How good can your immune system be (taking all the supplements in the
world that you want) if your colon is packed with 20 lbs of old fecal matter? A substantial portion of your immune system then has to combat the effect of
self-toxicity. Clean up your intestinal tract, and you FREE up your immune
system. ~ Jon Barron
Death begins in the colon. In fact, the road to health begins with
intestinal cleansing and detoxification – no matter what the disease or problem.
~ John Barron
It is worth noting that many other diseases that at first glace appear
to have no connection with the digestive tract have actually been related by
many doctors to functional bowl disorder. These include DIABETES, GALL STONES,
PSORIASIS, and OBESITY. ~ Jon Barron
And this is what Dr. Norman
Walker, one of the foremost pioneers of colon health and who died at the age of
109 has to say about our colon:
“Out of 100,000 autopsies that I had attended, less than 10% of the
people had normal colons.” ~ Dr Norman Walker
“The colon is the sewer system of the body, but with neglect and abuse
it becomes a cesspool of toxins that spill over into the body.” ~ Dr. Norman
Just take a tour of somebody's colon so you get what I'm talking about. Seeing is believing ha!
Just take a tour of somebody's colon so you get what I'm talking about. Seeing is believing ha!
So, you can imagine the number of people carrying waste of about 20 lbs in their body and walking around with it. 90% of chronic disease comes from an unhealthy colon. That’s the root cause of many chronic diseases - unhealthy colon. If you can just keep your colon clean by introducing Fiber into your diet, you’ll avoid so many diseases. Just read THE TRUTH ABOUT FIBER HERE. A clean colon is therefore KEY TO GOOD HEALTH!
Introducing Fiber rich foods into
your diet will help keep your colon clean. But if you’ve neglected your colon
for so long and you have a lot of waste and weight (about 20 lbs) sitting in your
colon, then you’ll need a colon cleanser to remove all the waste out of your
So, I’ll like to introduce you to
an outstanding product that can help you do just that. It’s called SHAKE OFF PHYTO FIBER.
It’s a superior colon cleansing health drink that is made from all
natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all the toxins from our colons,
leaving it clean and healthy.
It is made from Plant Fiber,
Roselle, Oats, and Inulin. And these are the benefits of Edmark’s Shake
Off Phyto FIBER:
1. Made from all organic ingredients, no side
2. Fast, effective, and affordable way to eliminate
congested wasted matter. Thus, preventing Corprostasis (hardening of fecal
matter on the colonic wall) and Colon Cancer. You’ll see results in only 8hrs.
Reduces excess weight and lowers bad cholesterol.
People testify that they feel lighter when they use it. It just goes to clear
the weight (toxins) you’ve stored in your colon for years (large intestine).
Promotes better complexion and has an anti-aging
Promotes growth of good bacteria to reduce
constipation problems.
Convenient to carry around, easy to prepare and
tastes great.
Approximately you must detoxify
your system every three (3) months. It’s only pregnant women and nursing
mothers who cannot use SHAKE OFF PHYTO
So, now you know why pooping is
your friend!
Get your
Call +233244336730 or
+233268123621 or you can leave me a message @
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