Friday 1 November 2013


Cigarette smoking remains a leading contributor to death and illness. Cigarettes do not just harm the people who smoke.

They also harm the people who are near cigarettes and breathe the smoke. 
Second hand smoke is the smoke that comes out of the lit end of a cigarette and that a smoker exhales.

Smokers are prone to having COPD or also known as Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. COPD is an irreversible and life-threatening lung disease which is composed of emphysema (a long-term, progressive disease of the lungs that primarily causes airways and interferes with the normal breathing. COPD affects people over the age of 40 and who have smoked for 20 years or more. It is also more common in men than women.

The symptoms include chronic cough, shortness of breath and frequent respiratory infections. Progressive COPD symptoms include cyanosis (a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucus membrane due to lack of oxygen in the blood), headaches, weight loss and coughing with blood. Long-term smoking is the primary cause of COPD. Exposure to air pollutants also worsens the disease.

WATCH this video to see how SMOKING causes CANCER, HEART DISEASE and EMPHYSEMA. You may want to share this post with a smoker after you watch this video:

The usual test used to diagnose COPD is called Spirometry (Pulmonary Function Test). This test measures how much air a person can breathe out into a machine and how fast air can move in and out of the lung; Computed Tomography (CT) Scan used to assess the severity of COPD; other examinations include medical and personal history and physical examinations that will evaluate patient’s risk factor of having the disease.

WATCH again WHAT HAPPENS when we smoke: You may want to share this post with a friend who smokes:

There is no specific treatment to reverse COPD. The goal of a drug therapy is only to slow down the progress and prevent the symptoms to flare up. The main treatment is to QUIT smoking if the symptoms are mild.

Doctors may prescribe inhalers or bronchodilators to relax the muscles and to expand the lung airways. Other oral medications have also been prescribed (e.g steroid tablets, antibiotics, bronchodilator and mucolytic medicines). surgery may be offered in some cases.

This operation involves removal of useless parts of the lungs or air-filled sacs to minimize symptoms. 


1.  THINK of a powerful and personal reason to quit. You certainly want to protect your family from secondhand smoke. Or perhaps the thought of COPD or worst, lung cancer frightens you. Choose a reason that is strong enough to outweight the urge to light up.

2. When you stop smoking, nicotine withdrawal may make you feel irritated and miserable. Nicotine-replacement therapy can help reduce these feelings. Studies suggest nicotine gum and lozenges can help you quit. So always have your mints ready all the time when you feel the desire.

3.   Get a support group. Tell your friends, family and co-workers that you’re trying to quit.

4.    Learn how to manage stress. One reason people smoke is that nicotine helps them RELAX. Once you quit, find other means to cope with stress. Try getting massages or you may listen to soothing music. You can so try yoga.

It takes great will-power to overcome smoking. Smoking destroys VITAMINS, particularly VITAMIN C & B. If you smoke, it can be critical to supplement yourself with these vitamins. Develop a healthy lifestyle. Always remember, Health is Wealth.

Edmark’s Splina Liquid Chlorophyll contains mulberry which is an excellent source of Vitamin C and other nutrients that are essential in eliminating toxins from our bodies. 

 Regular consumption of Splina Liquid Chlorophyll cleanses impurities, balances the acid and alkaline levels, and nourishes our bodies. People especially those who smoke and those who are diagnosed with COPD are advised to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water with Splina Liquid Chlorophyll to supplement themselves with proper nutrients that their bodies need.

Call us to GET YOURS NOW - +233268123621, +233244336730 or send us a FACEBOOK MESSAGE

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